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in the atmosphere;in the Ozone Layer(The ozone molecules filter out the harmful UV rays.)

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 3d ago

Over 95 percent of incoming ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer in the stratosphere of the Earth's atmosphere. This absorption helps protect life on Earth by preventing most harmful UV radiation from reaching the surface.

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Q: Where is over 95 percent of incoming ultraviolet radiation absorbed?
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What percent of incoming radiation from the Sun is absorbed by Earth's surface?

It is about 50% of the sun radiation

How is 34 percent of the energy from the sun reflected off the troposphere?

The interaction of the sun's energy with the troposphere is complex. Approximately 30% of the incoming solar energy is reflected back to space by clouds, atmospheric particles, and the Earth's surface. The remaining 70% is absorbed by the Earth’s surface and then re-radiated as heat back into the atmosphere.

What percent of the Sun's energy intercepted by the Earth is absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds?

This Answer is as Variable, considering all of the varying Parameters, as it is Crucial to Our Tenuous Situation. This percentage, as Critical as it is, in not predictable as the Output of Solar radiation is as unknowable as the powerful Incidence of detrimental Cosmic Rays.

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About 50 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface. In addition, about 9 percent is reflected.About 22 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is reflected by clouds and the atmosphere.About 19 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere.

What percentage of the sun's energy that reaches earth is absorbed by the earth's surface?

About 50 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface. In addition, about 9 percent is reflected.About 22 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is reflected by clouds and the atmosphere.About 19 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere.

What percentage of the sun energy that reaches earth is absorbed by earth surface?

About 50 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface. In addition, about 9 percent is reflected.About 22 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is reflected by clouds and the atmosphere.About 19 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere.

What happens to 70 percent of radiation that comes to earth?

It is absorbed.

How much solar energy is reflected back into space?

About 30% of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space.Incoming solar radiation: 100%Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%(Source: NASA. see link below)A:Scientists use the term albedo to describe the percentage of solar radiation reflected back into space by an object or surface. A perfectly black surface has an albedo of 0 (all radiation is absorbed).A perfectly mirror-finished surface has an albedo of 1.0 (all radiation is reflected).Earth's average albedo is about 0.3. In other words, about 30 percent of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space (from land, sea, clouds, ice and atmosphere) and 70 percent is absorbed.From point to point on the Earth's surface, the albedo varies; high for clouds or snow, low for cities and paved areas, intermediate for vegetation. Overall, averaging the bright areas with the cities, the Earth's albedo is about 0.3 or perhaps just a little higher; 0.34 or so.Well, all of it is not. Some of it is absorbed by the oceans, some by dry land, and some by the ice caps.

The atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation emitted by Earth?

The atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from Earth's surface rather than by direct solar radiation because about 50 percent of the solar energy is absorbed at Earth's surface. 30 percent is reflected back to space. 20 percent is absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere's gases.

How much of the sun's energy is absorbed or reflected by clouds?

Yes, about 26% of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space by the clouds and atmosphere.Incoming solar radiation: 100%Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%

How much heat exactly is absorbed by the ozone or what temperature would the earth be if there was no ozone?

23 percent of incoming solar energy is usually absorbed by the ozone. Temperature, not how much