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Q: Where is the TARDIS in Victorian sewers 2 keys of time?
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What does the TARDIS from Doctor Who stand for?

The TARDIS acronym stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space.

Does the TARDIS eat?

No, the TARDIS does not eat. However, it recharges using excess energy from the time vortex.

What does TARDIS in dr. Who stand for?

TARDIS stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space. It is a fictional time machine and spacecraft used by the Doctor in the British television series Doctor Who.

Does Timey-wimey Alien Runabout Device In Space stand for TARDIS?

if you are tallikg about the TARDIS in Doctor Who then no. In Doctor Who TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space

How do you get the TARDIS mod and can you use it to go in time?

there are TARDIS mods for many games what game and what console are you referring to?

What sort of machine is Doctor Who's TARDIS?

The TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) is a time machine and spacecraft in the British TV show Doctor Who. It is known for being bigger on the inside than the outside due to its dimensionally transcendental nature.

Does Doctor Who have a time machine?

Yes, the TARDIS.

Who travels through time in the TARDIS?

The Doctor, a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, travels through time in the TARDIS, a time machine that appears in the British TV show "Doctor Who".

How did the Doctor get the Tardis?

The Doctor stole the TARDIS, a time machine that can travel anywhere in time and space, when the TARDIS' former owner, known as the Corsair, left the doors unlocked. The Doctor then fled Gallifrey in the TARDIS and embarked on a life of adventures throughout time and space.

What do the letters in TARDIS stand for?

TARDIS stands for "Time and Relative Dimension in Space." It is a time-traveling spacecraft used by the Time Lords in the TV show Doctor Who.

What is a TARDIS and what do the letters stand for?

A TARDIS is a time machine and spacecraft in the British TV show Doctor Who. It stands for "Time And Relative Dimension In Space". It is much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside.

Will the tardis explode?

The TARDIS is a fictional time machine from the TV show Doctor Who, and whether it will explode depends on the storyline. In the series, the TARDIS has been known to be in danger of exploding, but whether it actually does or not is up to the writers.