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Q: Where is the actual rebel base?
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Could the Empire have fired the Death star through Yavin and destroyed the rebel base?

They could, but only if the Rebel Base was in range of their weapon

What did commander veers use to destroy the rebel base on hoth?


Does prize rebel work?

Prize rebel does pay, and they don't use your data, however some of the offers I would recommend not using actual info.

How can you stop rebel leaders?

Get a massive space station, preferably one that can fire massive lasers.Aim the laser at the Rebel base.?????Profit!

What is the true of a base period for an index number?

its what you think and i am radio rebel

What Star Wars movie is the one where Luke is in the snowy rebel base?

That was Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. The rebel base at the beginning of the film was found on the ice world of Hoth.

Where does Princess Leia say where the Rebel base is located?

Dantooine (not to be confused with Tatooine where Anakin was born and where Luke was raised)

Is Missouri a Yankee or rebel state?

It was a rebel state

How did the Statue of Liberty get its base?

It was decided that America would design the base, and France would design the actual statue.

Why did Romans rebel against Etuscans?

The fashionable theory that the Etruscans conquered Rome in the 7th century BC is just that, a theory. It has been challenged. Its evidence base is flimsy to say the least and its assumptions are unproven and implausible. Recent archaeological evidence suggests a different picture. There is no actual historical record of an Etruscan invasion of Rome.

When was Rebel Rebel created?

Rebel Rebel was created in 1974-01.

What is another name for base in pH scale?

Another name for a base might be alkali, but there is actual a subtle difference.