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Prophecies about promised Messiah have been fulfilled and he had arrived as a name of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s of Qadiyan.for more information you can visit

May Allah guide you the right path.ameen

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1mo ago

The first prophecy of a coming Messiah is recorded in Genesis 3:15 in The Bible, where God speaks to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, foretelling a descendant of Eve who will crush the serpent's head. This is known as the protoevangelium, or "first gospel," pointing towards the promise of a future savior.

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10y ago

The coming of the Messiah became necessary when "sin" and its wages, "death," became evident in man's existence. And the Bible tells us this happened when the first two people created obeyed and worshiped "that old Serpent" in the beginning [see Gen.3 & Rev.12:9].

"...death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of Him that was to come [the Messiah]." (Rom.5:14 KJV)

"For as in Adam all die , even so in Christ [the Messiah] shall all be made alive." (I Cor.15:22 KJV)

"...The first man Adam was made a living soul; the Last Adam was made a quickening Spirit." (verse 45)

It became necessary from the beginning, therefore, for man's Creator, Jesus Christ [the WORD of God - see John 1], the Messiah, to come to "save and redeem His creation" from the god to whom they willingly gave their sovereignty, worship and obedience... and to whom they placed themselves in bondage to sin; "disobedience to God's laws" [I John 3:4] and death.

It was because of "sin" that the agency of "animal sacrifices" were instituted.

"...almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without the shedding of blood is no remission." (Heb.9:22 KJV)

It was these continuing gruesome ceremonies of animal sacrifices that were "PROPHECIES" that pointed to the Messiah.

"Under the old system, the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a young cow could cleanse people's bodies from ritual defilement. Just think how much more the Blood of Christ [Messiah] will purify our hearts from deeds that lead to death so that we can worship the Living God [rather than the god of this world]. For by the Power of the Eternal Spirit, Christ offered Himself to God as a PERFECT SACRIFICE for our sins." (verses 13-14 NLT New Living Translation)

We see, therefore, the FIRST PROPHECY of a coming Messiah in the SACRIFICES OF ABEL!

"...Abel became a shepherd, while Cain was a farmer. At harvest time Cain brought to the Lord a gift of his farm produce, while Abel brought several choice lambs from the best of his flock. THE LORD ACCEPTED ABEL AND HIS OFFERING..." (Gen.4:2-4 NLT).

"It was BY FAITH that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did. God accepted Abel's offering to show that he was a Righteous man. And although Abel is long dead, he still speaks to us because of his Faith." (Heb.11:4 NLT)

So, because of the early advent of "sin" into man's existence... the necessity of the Messiah also came about early -- and therefore the prophecies of His coming made evident in the sacrifices of Adam and Eve's firstborn children; Abel, through the shedding of the blood of lambs... and Cain's "grain offerings."

But it was the "shedding of the lamb's blood" that first pictures the Messiah.

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