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It is the portion of the flame in the middle. (the upper edge of the center/inner cone of the flame)

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2w ago

The hottest part of a blue flame is typically at the tip of the inner cone. This is where complete combustion of the fuel is happening, resulting in higher temperatures compared to the outer parts of the flame.

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13y ago

At the top of the inner blue cone

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Q: Where is the hottest part of the blue flame?
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What is the hottest part of the flame?

The blue part of a flame is the hottest.

When you look at a candle flame how do you know which part of the flame is hottest?

The tip of the blue cone at the base of a candle flame is typically the hottest part, reaching temperatures around 1400 degrees Celsius. The outer yellow part of the flame is cooler, serving as a buffer that prevents heat loss from the inner blue core.

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My teacher taught me it was the hottest at the end of the blue part of the flame.

What is the hottest part of the flame from a Bunsen burner?

The hottest part is where the flame is light blue or blue; which gradually turns to yellow as the flame is cooled by the colder outer air. When the safety flame (yellow) is on, the hottest point is the tip of this flame.

What part of a flame burns hotter?

The blue portion of a flame is the hottest

Which part of a non-luminous flame is hottest?

The hottest part of a non-luminous flame is the inner cone, which is typically blue in color. This is where complete combustion of the fuel occurs, resulting in the highest temperatures.

Is The tip of the blue cone is the coolest part of the Bunsen burner?

No, the hottest part of the Bunsen burner flame is the tip of the inner blue cone, where complete combustion occurs. The outer, lighter blue cone is cooler and less efficient for heating.

What is the hottest part of an Bunsen burner?

Near the tip of a blue flame is the hottest.

Is blue flame the hottest or not?

The white colored flame is considered to be the hottest.

What part is the hottest of a flame?

It is just at the end of the blue flame that comes from the tip.

Is the red color is the hottest?

no it is the blue/purple part of the flame

Why is the tip of the flame hotter than the inner part of the flame?

It isn't. The inner (blue) part is the hottest.