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Near the top of the arch and the dorsal fins, it is quiet noticeable.

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Q: Where is the lateral line in a perch fish?
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To what system does the lateral line belong?

The lateral line belongs to the lateral line system. This helps to stream line fish in water and to keep them afloat.

What kinds of animals other than fish have a lateral line?

Dolphins have lateral line other than a fish.

Does the lateral line system on a fish have a function?

The lateral line provides a fish's sense of hearing and orientation. it contains a complex system of receptors that convert mechanical disturbances or submarine vibrations into nerve impulses. Essentially, it is a fish's underwater ears.

The nervous system of a reptile is composed of?

Like most animals, the perch have a nervous system that is composed of a network of nerves throughout the body. The nerves transfer signals outside the body to the brain, where they are processed and turned into responses. Perch also have a lateral line. A lateral line is a thin, horizontal line of vibration receptors that run from head to tail on each side of the fish. The vibration receptors detect motions and sounds nearby, such as the movements of other fish or the vocalization of predators.

What organ in a perch fish is most closely related to the human ear?

the lateral lines. They pick up vibrations.

How does a fish use its lateral line?

lateral line is a line on the fish body that function to detect vibrations in water

Name the sensory organ in fish?

Lateral Line.

What do lateral line system mean?

Lateral line system means an aquatic organs sense system found in fish

What is a lateral line system of a fish?

A lateral line system is an organ in the sensory system that allows fish to sense objects and organisms nearby them through vibrations in the water.

How are the scales along the lateral line different from other scales?

Scales on the lateral line allow fish to feel what is going on around them.

Why do trouts have lateral lines?

the lateral line of a fish is a sensory organ,picking up vibration in the water,alerting fish to danger or prey.

What is lateral line?

The lateral line is a sense organ found in fish. It uses hair cells to detect movement and vibration in the surrounding water.