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A:In his epistles, Paul describes Peter as one of the three pillars of the Jerusalem Church, so presumably Peter spent most of his years as a Christian in Jerusalem. In Galatians 2:11, Paul talks of Peter travelling to Antioch, so it seems likely that Peter preached from time to time in Syria and neighbouring cities, probably to Jews of the diaspora.

A later Christian tradition says that Peter finally went to Rome, where he was executed. However, there is no suggestion in Paul's Epistle to the Romans (dated around 60 CE) that he expected to find Peter in Rome. Clement of Rome, who ought to have known if Peter had been in Rome only about thirty years earlier, seems unaware that Peter either came to Rome or was executed there (1 Clement).

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1mo ago

The Apostles began to spread the Christian faith primarily in the Eastern Mediterranean region, including modern-day Israel, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey. They also spread the faith to regions like Greece and Rome.

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12y ago

in the hair dressers,drinking tea praying to god that jesus does not die-.-

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council of Laudicea

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Q: Where the Apostles began to spread the faith?
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Who are the successors of the apostles?

The successors of the apostles are the bishops of the Catholic Church, who are responsible for continuing the teachings and mission of the apostles. They serve as spiritual leaders in their dioceses and are considered the guardians of the faith passed down from the time of the apostles.

Following Jesus's execution by the Romans, some of his earliest followers, or _____, spread his central message by writing about his life and teachings in the New Testament?


What two events and movements form the backdrop of the acts of the apostles?

The two events and movements that form the backdrop of the Acts of the Apostles are the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is central to Christian faith, and the founding of the early Christian church by the apostles following Jesus' Ascension. These events set the stage for the spread of Christianity and the actions of the apostles in sharing the message of Jesus.

Was St. Peter with a religious order?

No, St. Peter was not associated with a religious order. He was one of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus to spread his teachings and establish the Christian faith.

How does apostle relate to Christianity?

In Christianity, an apostle is typically understood to be one of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus Christ to spread his teachings. Apostles are considered the foundation of the early Christian church and are thought to have been personally commissioned by Jesus. Their role was to establish and spread the teachings of Jesus, often through missionary work and writing letters to different communities.

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Where the apostle began to spread the faith?

council of Laudicea

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