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-40 degrees is the same degree in Fahrenheit and Celsius.

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Q: Where the temperature equal both in celsius and Fahrenheit scales?
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When will Celsius Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales temperatures be equal and how?

Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are equal at -40o Kelvin and Fahrenheit scales are equal at 574.25o

A temperature of -40c is equal to what temperature on the Fahrenheit scale?

-40 is the same on both the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.

What is -40 degrees celsius in degrees Fahrenheit?

The temperature - 40 °C is equal to -40 °F. This is the only temperature at which the two scales (Celsius and Fahrenheit) have the same numerical value.

When is Fahrenheit lower then Celsius?

After -40 degrees. At -40 degrees, the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are equal. A temperature greater than -40 in Celsius will be smaller than its equivalent in Fahrenheit, but below -40 degrees Fahrenheit, its equivalent in Celsius will be larger.

Describe how a change in temperature of 1 degree differs on the Fahrenheit Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales?

The following changes are equal:1 Celsius degree.1.8 Fahrenheit degree.1 Kelvin.

How will Fahrenheit and Celsius scales be equal?

At -40 degrees

How do you make numerical values in Celsius and Fahrenheit scales equal?

The numerical value in Celsius can be converted by multiplying it with 1.8 and than adding 32 to Fahrenheit and -40is the temperatre at which temperature in degree centrigrade becomes numerically equal to degree Fahrenheit.

At what temperature would Celsius and Fahrenheit be equal?

Let's call the temperature in Fahrenheit F, and the temperature in Celsius C. F = 1.8 C + 32 C = F C = 1.8 C + 32 -32 = 0.8 C C = -40, so -40 is the temperature at which the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales match.

What is the temperature on a Celsius scale of Fahrenheit?

A temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to a temperature of 176.67 degrees Celsius.

What does 37.8 Celsius equal in Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (37.8 degrees Celsius) * (1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = 100.04 degrees -------------------------------------------------------

What is 39.9 Fahrenheit to Celsius?

A temperature of 39.9 degrees Celsius is equal to a temperature of 103.82 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the temperature on a Celsius scale of 350 Fahrenheit?

A temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to a temperature of 176.67 degrees Celsius.