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Titanic was built in Belfast, Ireland.

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Q: Where titanic constructed?
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Was the titanic built from bottom to top?

No. Titanic was constructed from the keel up.

Where was Titanic constructed?

Titanic was constructed in the dockyards of Harland &Wolff in Belfast, Ireland.

Was there titanium in the Titanic?

No. It was constructed of steel

What made the Titanic?

Titanic was constructed in the shipyards of Harland & Wolff in Belfast, Ireland.

How much years it took to build titanic?

it took three years for the titanic to be constructed

Why did they make the RMS Titanic?

Titanic was constructed at the Harland and Wolff shipyards in Belfast, Ireland.

Did anyone die when building the Titanic?

yes, 8 workers died constructed the titanic

Was the hull of the Titanic made in Liverpool?

No; the hull of Titanic was constructed at Harland and Wolff Shipyards in Belfast, Ireland.

How did you constructed the Titanic?

The RMS titanic was made in around 1970 and They used strong wooden Legs to give the titanic its shape and it held it up

What Co was the titanic built for?

Harland and Wolff constructed Titanic (and about 70 other vessels) for the White Star Line.

Why was the Titanic constructed?

Titanic and her sister ships were made in responce to the two new Cunard line ships Mauretania and Lusitania.

Was the Titanic constructed for safety?

The Titanic was intended to be both luxurious and safe. As we now know, it turned out not to be as safe as people thought it was.