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This medication is usually given orally by owners, although some vet clinics have an injectable form the vet can give intravenously or intramuscularly if the dog is having a severe allergic reaction.

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13y ago
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14y ago

You can give dogs human benadryl. Just check with your vet to get the correct dose.

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14y ago

If you call your vet, or any vet, they can help you. You will need to know the dosage of one pill. You will also need to know how much your animals weigh.

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12y ago

There is no form of Benedryl specific to dogs; they get the same one we do.

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Do you give the adult Benadryl or children's Benadryl to dogs?

You can give 0.5-1mg of benadryl per pound

Can you overdose dogs on Benadryl?

Yes, a dog can overdose on Benadryl, and it doesn't take as much as you might think.

Is Benadryl 25 mg safe for dogs?

This will depend upon the size of the dog and the exact formulation of Benadryl you are asking about.

Benadryl and panic attacks in dogs does it help?

No, this drug is for allergies.

Is Benadryl safe with clonicalm for dogs?

What does your dog's Vet say?

Can Benadryl be toxic to a cat?

No, benadryl can't be toxic to cats OR dogs, but aspirin is toxic to cats or dogs hope this helped :)

Can dogs with hypothyroidism take Benadryl?

You need to talk with your veterinarian about this - it is possible some formulations of Benadryl could interact with your dog's thyroid medication and cause major problems.

Can you break a capsule of Benadryl to put in dog's food?

You're better off using tablet or liquid forms of Benadryl with dogs so you can get a more accurate dose.

How long can you continue to give my dog benadryl?

You should follow the same instructions for administration and dosage amounts that the box recommends for humans. Benadryl is completely safe to use on dogs.

Can Benadryl be used to treat nasal allergies in a dog?

Yes; Benadryl can be used for dog allergies. You should check with your veterinarian as to the correct dosage since it is based on the dogs weight.

Does Benadryl make dogs sleepy?

Yes, a dog can overdose on Benadryl, and it doesn't take as much as you might think.

Can you give Benadryl as a tranquilizer for your dog?

No, this would be a very bad idea. First, dogs need a much different dose of Benadryl than humans do, and skin absorption of Benadryl is very different between humans and dogs. You could cause a bad overdose with this without meaning to. Second, Benadryl cream is formulated to be placed on the skin ONLY - dogs tend to lick anyplace that is irritating them and are likely to lick this stuff off and eat it, potentially causing a bad medical reaction to the ingredients in the cream. Third, dogs really don't need a topical Benadryl - veterinarians use it to deal with bee stings and mast cell tumors, but those are both pretty rare and not something you would be handling on your own.