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The prom was held at the gym at Bella's and Edwards school

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6mo ago

In the book Twilight, the prom was held at the Forks High School gymnasium.

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Q: Where was prom held in the book Twilight?
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In twilight What was the fancy occasion?

In the movie it was a dance and in the book it was prom.

When was prom held in the book Twilight?

It was held in the toilet because everyone is poopy faces except Jacob Black because he is a hunka hunka when he cuts his hair! It was also held in the gym at Bella and Edward's school

Who does Angela go to prom with in Twilight?

Eric YorkieAngela goes to prom with Eric Yorkie in the movie Twilight. In the book, Angela goes with Ben Cheney.

What Twilight saga book was Bella held hostage in?

Twilight, the first book.

In the book twilight What color is Rosalies dress at prom?

Rosalie's dress was red.

In the book Twilight how many shoes does Bella Swan wear to the prom?

In the book Twilight, Bella Swan wears a pair of ballet flats to the prom as they are more comfortable for dancing and walking around.

Who shows up to check on Bella at prom?

Edward shows up uninvited to check on Bella at prom in the book "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer.

Who asks Bella To the Prom in Twilight?

Tyler Crowley, well he thinks Bella asked him to the prom. Just read the book if you really want to know.

In twilight who calls edward before the prom?

In the book Charlie calls edward before prom telling him that Tyler is at Bellas house picking her up for the prom. In the movie no one calls Edward.

What does Bella from twilight wear in the first book?

the first book is twilight itself.she wore jacket.a gown type blue dress in prom,jeans,t-shirt,parallels,shorts.

What is the name of the prom in twilight?

The theme and name of the prom was Monti Carlo.

Is Stephenie Meyer first book twilight?

Yes it is the first of the twilight series.