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Q: Where was ta seti located?
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What was the earliest nubian kingdom?

ta-seti between 3500 and 3100

What kind of crown did the Pharaoh of Ta Seti wear?

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When was seti created?

SETI began in 1984

Was seti's son Ramses I or Ramses II?

Seti I son was Ramses II, Ramses I was Seti I father

When was Seti I born?

Seti I was born about 1,000,000 BCE.

What do SETI programs search for?

SETI: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

What was seti the 1 achievements?

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What is 'located' in Irish?

suite is located.. Ta an teach suite- the house is located

Who was the son of seti 1?

Ramses 2 was the son of seti 1

How many children did Seti II have?

Seti II only had one child - Seti-Merenptah. Seti-Merenptah was born some time in the 19th dynasty, but his exact date of birth (as well as death) is unknown.

What element Is located in period 6 beneath niobium?

Ruthenium is located in period 6 beneath niobium on the periodic table. It has the atomic number 44.

How long has seti been working for?

Seti has been working for 97 years