

Where were microscopes invented?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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the microscope was invented by Galileo in France .

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Q: Where were microscopes invented?
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What were microscopes like when they were first invented?

i think it was invented in the 1200s i think it was invented in the 1200s

Diagram of various types of microscopes invented?


Why were microscopes invented?

Microscopes were invented to let people look at very small things, most notably water, and see what is in them. The first was invented in 1590, by two eyeglass makers (Hans Lippershey and Hans Janssen).

What are the different types of microscopes and who invented it?

Refer to related link.

What are facts about light microscopes?

It was invented in 1876.Invented by Wilford look at small creatures.

Why where microscopes invented?

to make it easier for scientists to visualize and study miro organisms

How long did it take to develop the the cell theory?

150 years, after microscopes were invented.

Who discovered electron microscopes?

anyone walking into a room with one in it can discover one. electron microscopes were invented by Ernst Ruska & Max Knoll.

How would the understanding of cells be affected if light microscopes had not been invented?

You wouldn't be able too see that well on small objects. The understanding of the affect if light microscopes has not been invented would be more confusing. ?btw i got this for homework too. :/

What have scientists found out using microscopes?

The scientists with the assistance of the microscopes that were invented in the 16th century AD/ CE found out the microbes or microorganisms And the existence of cells, and cell theory, for one....

Why were cells not observed before the 1600s?

Well, we can't see such tiny small things with just a naked eye. So they invented microscopes. The answer is because no microscopes were invented. The first person to build a microscope was Robert Hooke. In 1665 Robert Hooke observed a thin slice of cork through a microscope.

What are the types of microscopes that are available today?

digital microscopes,compound microscopes,electron microscopes,pocket microscopes,usb computer microscopes,scanning microscopes,stereo microscopes.