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Q: Where were the most plantation is located back in the 1800s?
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Who would most likely be supported by a Southern plantation owner in the early 1800s?

Building a new road in the wilderness would most likely be supported by a Southern plantation owner in the early 1800s.

What would most likely be supported by a Southern plantation owner in the early 1800s?

Building a new road in the wilderness would most likely be supported by a Southern plantation owner in the early 1800s.

Where in the US is Boone Hall Plantation?

Boone Hall Plantation is located in Mount Pleasant, just east of Charleston. It is Americas most famous plantation house. The earliest reference to the plantation grounds dates back to 1681.

Where were the most large southern plantation located?

New England

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Why can't Tubman allow a despairing runaway to go back to the plantation?

If she let the slave go back the plantation owners would most likely torture him\her into revealing the location of the Underground Railways. This is why she always carried a gun, but never used it.

Where did factories locate before 1825?

Most factories in the 1800s were located in developed areas where there was a reliable source of fuel. They were often near sources of coal or on rivers to use the flowing water.

How old is oak alley plantation?

The land now know as Oak Alley Plantation was part of a very large estate that was a working plantation in the early 1800s. Officially, most people think of the land becoming Oak Alley Plantation when Jacques Roman completed his Big House mansion in 1839. The trees on the land are nearly 300 years old, however, since they were planted long before the family owned the land.

Why can't harriet tubman allow a despairing runaway to go back to the plantation?

If she let the slave go back the plantation owners would most likely torture him\her into revealing the location of the Underground Railways. This is why she always carried a gun, but never used it.

What plantation may be seen in Sri Lanka?

Tea plantations are commonly seen in Sri Lanka, particularly in the central highlands. These lush green landscapes cover large areas and are a major part of Sri Lanka's economy and tourism industry. Some popular tea plantation areas in Sri Lanka include Nuwara Eliya, Ella, and Kandy.

Why did people walk most of their way on their journey to the Oregon territory?

because they didn't have cars and airplains back then.(1800s)

Why did the people walk most of the way on the journey to the Oregon Territory?

because they didn't have cars and airplains back then.(1800s)