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The answer is in your question "given by a client" - that means from the client.

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Q: Where would you get relevant information given by a client?
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Can an attorney write a book about his client after the client dies?

Technically, he/she can write the book. However, there are limitations to what information can be included (such as privileged information) that don't die with the client. Typically, this would limit the content of the book to the point that it would become uninteresting.

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This would be illegal anywhere in the world.

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The term "relevant knowledge" means that one would know related information about a topic that is being discussed. That information will also be related to what is being spoken about.

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When solving a problem there is a lot you can do you do next after gathering relevant information and developing criteria. The next immediate step would be to analyze and evaluate the information gathered.

Is there a difference between the words relative and relevant?

relative - is someone who is in your family relevant - a word or object that has bearing on the subject your speaking of. (The information was relevant to the defendants case) Not much but relative is relating each to the other where relevant is having to do with the other. Like you and your brother are related. Yet, you may not be the same, which would be relevant. Other ways of relevant are if your talking about an issue , is all the information on the issue relevant to the subject. Not always.

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Most commonly it is the information that computers use, the 1s and 0s

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You would have to be a client/contributing member of the bureau to report information.

What is a 'relevant witness'?

A relevant witness is one who has testimony or other evidence that is relevant to the issues in the lawsuit. Witnesses knowing nothing about the issues in the lawsuit suit would just waste everyone's time, because they would not provide anything helpful information.

A certain airplane has two independent alternators to provide electrical power what is the probability that a given alternator wil fail on a 1 hour flight?

There is insufficient information for us to answer this question. Please edit the question to include more context or relevant information. It would be useful to know the following:The failure rate of each alternator;Which of the two alternators is the "given" one.

Who is the agent in attorney client privilege when the client is mentally ill?

The answer depends in large part upon what state you're in. That being said, nothing in the attorney/client relationship changes (at least in my jurisdiction) by virtue of the client having a mental illness. What may affect the relationship is if the client's mental illness leads client to be incapacitated to make decisions as to disclosing information. In my jurisdiction attorneys are obligated to maintain as normal an atty./client relationship as reasonably possible when a client is incapacitated. Attorneys are permitted to disclose information provided by client in limited circumstances if it appears reasonably necessary to protect client's interest, if non-disclosure will lead to a serious harm, and the disclosure is as limited as possible. There's a question of whether a court-appointed guardian could request information from client's attorney on client's behalf. I've never come across that issue, but my uninformed position would be that if attorney didn't think it behooved client to disclose confidential information then atty. ought seek court clarification before disclosing information to client's guardian.

How is the network intrusion preventoin relevant?

The network intrusion prevention is very relevant in terms of maintaining online safety. This system would prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing important information.

If CR 4 RA 6 and RS 10 find AB.?

The question, as it appears cannot be answered because there is no information as to what or where AB is. It would seem this is because the questioner did not think it relevant to mention that ABC and RSC are similar triangles. If they are not, then from the information that is given, the question remains unanswerable. However, if they are similar, then AB = 25.