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An astronomer demonstrates that earth moves in relation to the sun

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taylor milan

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Q: Which of the following best illustrates an achievement of classical indian science?
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What impact did learning about classical science have on Christianity?

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What did the renaissance scholars focus on?

Renaissance scholars focused on the revival of classical learning and literature, emphasizing humanism and the importance of individual achievement. They were interested in a wide range of subjects, including art, literature, philosophy, and science, seeking to explore and understand the world around them in new and innovative ways.

What is the achievements of gregorio velasquez in science?

Gregorio Velasquez is a Filipino doctor. His achievement in science include the award on distinguished science medal and diploma of honor from the Republic of the Philippines on 1956.

What are the possible question in national achievement test in fourth year high school in subject science?

The National Achievement tests for fourth year students cover all subjects. Science questions would likely include biology, physics, and chemistry.