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Gold has the greatest mass among brass, gold, iron, and lead.

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Q: Which 1 has the greatest mass brass gold iron or lead?
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10 types of metal?

Iron Steel Stainless Steel Aluminium Brass Copper Titanium Lead Gold Silver

What are the names of 10 different conductors of electricity?

Aluminum, copper, nickel, iron, gold, silver, zinc, lead, pewter and brass.

What metals are bad for peircing your body?

Copper, Tin, Lead, Zinc, Brass, Steel, Pot Metal, Iron, Aluminum, Gold, Silver.

What is a combination of two or more metals aluminum lead gold brass?

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.

Is lead and brass ferrous metals?

No, lead is a non-ferrous metal because it does not contain iron. Brass is also a non-ferrous metal because it is an alloy of copper and zinc and does not contain iron. Ferrous metals are those that contain iron, like steel.

What are the Japanese temples made of?

mainly wood,paper and stone,most metals involed were used for idols and bells they were iron,lead,brass and gold very little silver if any.

Sterliing silver is a combination of silver and copper what is also a combination of two or more metals aluminum lead gold or brass?

Brass, which is made from copper and lead.

Four letter word for battery metal?

Iron, lead, zinc, gold.

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Which is least similar lead copper iron tin or brass?

Brass is least similar because it is an alloy (mixture) while other are pure elements.

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zink , lead , gold , iron and gas

Is brass the same as iron in weight?

No, brass is not the same weight as iron. Brass is a copper alloy, which is generally less dense than iron. Therefore, an equal volume of brass will be lighter in weight compared to iron.