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During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged. The plant uses the carbon dioxide for the photosynthesis and expels oxygen.

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1d ago

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged at the surface of the air sac. Oxygen is taken in from the air into the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide is released from the bloodstream into the air to be exhaled.

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14y ago

Carbon Dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen are examples of 3 gasses that are exchanged in the alveoli in the lungs.

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13y ago

Oxygen and carbon dioxide.

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11y ago

Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide.

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4y ago

Oxygen and Carbon dioxide

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Q: Which 2 gases are exchanged at the surface of the air sac?
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Air sac where oxygen enters and corbon dioxide leaves the blood?

This is the alveoli, which are tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs. Oxygen diffuses from the air into the blood, while carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the air in the alveoli.

What are the small sac-like structures in the lungs where oxygen moves into the bloodstream and what is this process called?

The small sac-like structures in the lungs are called alveoli. This is where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs with the bloodstream, a process known as gas exchange. Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide moves from the bloodstream into the alveoli to be exhaled.

Why does the bladder need to be a muscular sac?

The bladder needs to be a muscular sac to store and effectively expel urine. The muscles in the bladder wall contract to push urine out of the body during urination, and they also relax to allow the bladder to stretch as it fills with urine.

How do you know if you had a chemical pregnancy?

A chemical pregnancy is typically diagnosed through a pregnancy test that shows positive results followed by negative results soon after, or through a blood test that detects the presence of hCG (pregnancy hormone) that later decreases. It is often characterized by early pregnancy loss before a gestational sac can be seen on an ultrasound.

What are the component parts of bursectomy?

A bursectomy involves the removal of the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that reduces friction between tissues in the body. The key component parts of a bursectomy include making an incision near the affected bursa, carefully removing the bursa, and then closing the incision to allow for proper healing.

Related questions

What are the gases exchanged in the air sac's?

your m0m and your dad are the 2 gases that are exchanged in the sacs of air, thank me later so by by

What gases are exchanges in air sacs?

The air sacs (alveoli) have a very large total surface area and a very good blood supply. There is an exchange of gases between the air sacs and their surrounding capillary blood vessels. Oxygen diffuses from the air sac into the blood. Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the air sac.

How are air sac walls like a frog's skin?

There are millions of air sacs in each of your lungs. Each air sac is made up of tiny hollow bubbles called alveoli, and so there is a very big surface for gases to get into and out of the blood.The inside of each air sac is moist.The gas dissolves in the moisture, then passes through the air sac wall.This is very much like a frog as they use there skin to absorb moiture and turn them into gases for breathing.

Where in the body would the concentration of oxyhaemoglobin be at its highest?

oxyhemoglobin (hemoglobin bound to oxygen) is highest in the alveolar venule. This is the initial vessel carrying freshly-oxygenated blood away from the alveolus, which is the air-sac in the lung where gases are exchanged.

Why is it better for a lung to consist of thousands of tiny air sacs rather than one large air sac?

Consisting of thousands of tiny air sacs increases the surface area inside of the lung which allows for better gas exchange. If the lung was made of one larger air sac, you would not be able to exchange as many gases (oxygen/CO2) with each breath.

What is the main function of air sac in the lung?

There isn't an air sac in the lungs, They're alveolis that take in the air and expand to improve their surface area, causing your diaphragm to expand and shrink when you breathe, but the function is to allow you to respire.

What is the system of the air sac?

the air sac itself.

Does small sac-shape of the alveoli allow the easy movement of gases?

yes and also they helps in increasing surface area almost 50 times

What is the function of the moisture layer inside an alveolus?

The alveolus is a air sac that holds the oxygen. It squashes the oxygen molecules so they diffuse from the alveolus into the capillary. From there, they attach themselves to deoxygenated Red Blood Cells. The oxygen in the blood plasma are also squashed and are diffused. They go from the capillary to the alveoli to get breathed out. The alveoli transfers the oxygen to the lung capillaries and oxygenates the blood, then it is breathed out as Carbon Dioxide.

Why is the amount of gas exchanged in a damaged air sac less?

Damage to air sacs can reduce the surface area available for gas exchange, impair the thinness of the membrane needed for diffusion, or disrupt the flow of air through the respiratory system. These factors can limit the efficiency of gas exchange, resulting in a decreased amount of gas exchanged.

What is the biological term for an air sac?

The biological term for an air sac is alveolus. The plural is alveoli.

Where in the human body is o2 and co2 exchanged?

Human gas-exchange occurs in the lungs. Once air enters the lungs, diffusion of O2 and CO2 occurs in the alveoli.