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Q: Which African peoples were among the most victomized by the triangular trade?
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What was the impact of panafricanism movements?

THE IMPACT of pan african was cased depopulation among the peoples who used violence means as fightigh which caused blood shedding.

Is the middle passage the triangle passage?

Not exactly. The Middle Passage was a part of the Triangular Trade (more prefferably than "Triangular Passage"). And this Triangular Trade was an international trade network at that time, among Europe,Africa,and America. It had three legs, or parts. The Middle Passage is the second leg, and also the most important. It is where the African slaves were exchaged for European goods like guns and crops.

The triangular trade involved the sale of rum molasses and slaves among the ports of?

The triangular trade involved the sale of rum molasses and slaves among the ports of New England, Africa, and the West Indies.

How did Islam and the beliefs of indigenous societies fuse among African peoples?

Muslims had many influences over the indigenous people. It took some time, but soon the beliefs started to come together. In many cases, African rituals were mixed into Islamic celebrations, especially for thngs such as foods or customs about which Islam has no strict opinion. Also many folk superstitions and beliefs, such as the Evil Eye, persisted in parts of Islamic Africa to the present day, especially among Amazigh peoples.

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with respect

What was the purpose of the pan African movement in Africa?

The purpose of the Pan African Movement was to establish independence among African Nations and promote unity among all black people in the world.

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Explain the impact of the Pan African?

The Pan African movement aimed to promote unity, solidarity, and independence among African people worldwide. It played a significant role in fostering a sense of African identity, challenging colonialism and racism, and laying the foundation for future independence movements across Africa. The movement also advocated for the rights of African people and sought to address issues of discrimination and inequality.

Who was established to promote cooperation among new African nations?

Organization of African Unity

Are hallucinations at night common among peoples?

I guess. It happens to me from time to time

What was the main goal of pan African movement?

The goal of the pan-Africa movement was to establish independence among African nations and promote unity among all black people in the world...