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The process of evolution through natural selection accounts for the diversity of species over time. It involves genetic variation within a population, competition for limited resources, and differential reproductive success of individuals with advantageous traits, leading to the adaptation and divergence of species.

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Q: Which Biological change over time accounts for the diversity of species. This diversity?
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What did Darwin's theory of biological evolution explain?

Darwin's theory of biological evolution explained how species change over time through the process of natural selection, where individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. This theory helped to provide a scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth and the relationships between different species.

How is biological evolution defined?

Biological evolution is the process by which species of organisms change over successive generations through the process of natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow. It involves the gradual change in the inherited traits of a population over time, resulting in the diversity of life forms we see today.

The changing of organisms as a group over time?

Evolution is the process by which organisms change over time as a group. This change occurs through genetic mutations, natural selection, and other mechanisms that drive species to adapt to their environment. Over generations, these changes can result in new traits, species, and diversity in the biological world.

The core idea that makes sense of the unity and all the diversity of life is?

The theory that accounts for the differences that divide and the unity that joins all living things is the

What is the advantage of diversity within species?

Diversity within species increases the chances of survival in changing environments because different individuals may have traits that are better suited for specific conditions. It also enhances genetic variability, allowing for adaptation and evolution over time. Additionally, diversity can lead to a healthier population by reducing the likelihood of diseases spreading.

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The major claims made in The Origin of Species Which ones were new and surprising?

Some major claims in "The Origin of Species" include: the concept of natural selection as the mechanism for evolution, the idea of common ancestry among species, and realization that biological diversity arises from gradual change over time. These ideas were new and surprising at the time of publication, challenging prevailing beliefs about the fixity of species and the origins of biological diversity.

What did Darwin's theory of biological evolution explain?

Darwin's theory of biological evolution explained how species change over time through the process of natural selection, where individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. This theory helped to provide a scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth and the relationships between different species.

How is biological evolution defined?

Biological evolution is the process by which species of organisms change over successive generations through the process of natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow. It involves the gradual change in the inherited traits of a population over time, resulting in the diversity of life forms we see today.

What are the Technologies that affect biological diversity?

Technologies that affect biological diversity include deforestation for agriculture or urban development, pollution from industrial activities, habitat destruction through mining or infrastructure projects, and climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions from various human activities. These technologies can lead to loss of biodiversity, extinction of species, disruption of ecosystems, and overall degradation of natural habitats.

The changing of organisms as a group over time?

Evolution is the process by which organisms change over time as a group. This change occurs through genetic mutations, natural selection, and other mechanisms that drive species to adapt to their environment. Over generations, these changes can result in new traits, species, and diversity in the biological world.

What is an example of an external factor causing a change in the diversity of an ecosystem?

An example of an external factor causing a change in the diversity of an ecosystem is deforestation. When forests are cleared for agriculture or urban development, it can lead to loss of habitat for many plant and animal species, resulting in a decrease in ecosystem diversity.

The core idea that makes sense of the unity and all the diversity of life is?

The theory that accounts for the differences that divide and the unity that joins all living things is the

What process decreases species diversity?

Habitat destruction is a major process that decreases species diversity by reducing the available habitats for different species to thrive. It can lead to fragmentation of habitats, making it difficult for species to access resources and breeding sites. Additionally, pollution and climate change can also contribute to declining species diversity by altering ecosystems and making them less suitable for a wide range of species.

What is the term for the biological process by which the different species on earth change over time?


What is clining?

In biological terms it is the change in certain characteristics of populations of organisms of the same species

Did linnaeus believe species could change?

Linnaeus did not believe that species could change over time. He proposed the concept of fixed species, where each species had a distinct and unchanging form. This idea was influential in shaping early biological classification systems.

Define the biological process of evolution?

Biological evolution is the change of animal and plant life over time. Biological evolution is used to explain changes in finch beaks for example.