

Which Greek god killed Medusa

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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A greek god did not kill Medusa. She was killed by Perseus, a famous greek hero.

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4y ago

Percy Jackson the son of poseidon god, percy jackson is the one who kill medusa but percy is not a god he just a hero going to adventure to help others. which object did percy kill medusa?: is a sword

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Q: Which Greek god killed Medusa
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Medusa was neither a god or a goddess. She was a monster; a Gorgon.

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Perseus, son of Zeus, gave them to him because he killed the Gorgon Medusa.

Which Greek hero killed Medusa?

No god killed Medusa, the hero Perseus killed Medusa with the guidance of Athena and Hermes. Pereseus did not have snakes for hair either, Medusa did. It was her punishment for laying with Poseidon in the Temple of Athena.

What made Medusa so made?

Medusa said she was so beautiful, even more beautiful than Athena and so Athena turned Medusa into a monster so that whenever the Medusa was looked at she would automatically turn them into stone, even herself, but then the Medusa was cheated on so this made the Medusa even more powerful and more angry towards her husband/Greek god. Then the Medusa was killed by Perseus who is a demigod Greek hero who killed Medusa.)

What made Medusa so famous?

Medusa said she was so beautiful, even more beautiful than Athena and so Athena turned Medusa into a monster so that whenever the Medusa was looked at she would automatically turn them into stone, even herself, but then the Medusa was cheated on so this made the Medusa even more powerful and more angry towards her husband/Greek god. Then the Medusa was killed by Perseus who is a demigod Greek hero who killed Medusa.)

Is maduser a greek god?

Medusa is not a god but very important in greek mytholigy.

Is medusa a greek god?

medusa is a god the strongest god ever. When she walked anyone she hated died.Well kind of..... more like a Greek goddess.

Was Medusa a god or a goddess?

Medusa was neither. She was a Gorgon. She was not immortal- she was killed by the hero Perseus.

Who killed the snake-haired medusa?

the Greek Hero Perseus

Who are the enemies of the Greek god Hermes?

Argus and Medusa.

What is the name of the hero that killed the snakehaired Medusa?

Medusa was slain by Perseus according to most Greek mythologies.

How is Perseus viewed today?

As ancient Greek hero who killed Medusa.