

Which MLB mangers and players smoke during games?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Which MLB mangers and players smoke during games?
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What percentage of MLB players smoke marijuana?

studies for the 04 season from the pta (physical trainers association) claim that up to 39 percent of players smoke cannabis and somewhere around 10 percent smoke prior to games or practices. (hey, what else are you gonna do when your sitting on the bench all day) Jose Reyes, ironically one of the fastest players in the game is known to be one of the biggest smokers of weed in the major leagues and even has photos on the net of him smoking a joint

Should you smoke during war?

This is common sense. You shouldn't smoke in the first place, and if you smoke during war, then the enemy (if you are running away or something) can smell the smoke and follow you. Also, if you throw it away, the enemy can find it and track you down.

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the beatles of course! the black one, jerome, played it in "smoke on the water"

Did they really smoke actual weed during the filming of Pineapple Express the movie?

No they definitely did not smoke during the movie...but not surprised if they smoked off set at times.

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