

Is Chinese food spicy

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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Not to me! But it varies with the meal.

Not all of Thai food is spicy. For example panang curry which is not so spicy. We also have some dishes that are mild in taste ie. Mee Krob, Thai omelet, Thai steamed egg, etc.

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12y ago

Thai food is spicy because they use a variety of spices and herbs.

Nearly every Thai food begins with a paste made of whole spices and herbs pounded together with a pestle and mortar.

Most pastes start with shallots, garlic, and green or red chilies. A variety of other herbs and spices are then added such as coriander, Thai chili powder, galangal, green peppercorns, lemongrass, turmeric and Kaffir lime leaves.

Lemongrass and basil are also used in Thai cooking.

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11y ago

The spiciness of Thai green curry comes from fresh green Thai chilis (also known as Bird’s eye chilis). These chilis are pounded together with other herbs such as lemongrass, galangal, shallots, garlic, and kaffir lime peel to make the green curry paste.

If you are making your green curry paste from scratch, you have the ability to adjust the spiciness of your curry by increasing or decreasing the amount of green chilis in the paste. If you are using a pre-made paste, you can adjust the spice level by using more or less of the paste, but this can result in dilution or concentration of the other flavors as well.

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14y ago

Most of it is.You know if Mexican food is not spicy then it is not Mexican food.

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12y ago

Some regional cuisines in China, such as Szechuan, are famous for being spicy. Many other regions in China also have spicy dishes. American Chinese food is generally not spicy.

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some of Laos food are spicy and some are mild

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14y ago

red curry

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