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which accidental is used in measure 15 how does this accidental alter the original note

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Q: Which accidental is used in measure 15 and How does this accidental alter the original note and it raises the Bb to a B natural?
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What is the accidental that erases a sharp or a flat called?

It is called a "natural" sign, and it cancels out/naturalizes a sharp or a flat.

What accidental raises a sharp?

A double sharp. They look like bold letter 'x'.

What is a Accidental?

It may either be a thing, place, or person that is closely associated with past experiences. Example, a friend is a accidental sign, (when you him, you remember something in you past). Its just a reminder or a sign that reminds you of the past experience. Musical Theory Accidentals are signs that are placed in front of a note on the staff or stave that alters the pitch of a note (how high or low a note is). Here is the three accidentals that you will need to know. A Sharp (#). It raises a note by a half step. A Flat (b). It lowers a note by a half step. A Natural. It restores a not to its original pitch.

What is accidental sign?

It may either be a thing, place, or person that is closely associated with past experiences. Example, a friend is a accidental sign, (when you him, you remember something in you past). Its just a reminder or a sign that reminds you of the past experience. Musical Theory Accidentals are signs that are placed in front of a note on the staff or stave that alters the pitch of a note (how high or low a note is). Here is the three accidentals that you will need to know. A Sharp (#). It raises a note by a half step. A Flat (b). It lowers a note by a half step. A Natural. It restores a not to its original pitch.

What is a accidental sign?

It may either be a thing, place, or person that is closely associated with past experiences. Example, a friend is a accidental sign, (when you him, you remember something in you past). Its just a reminder or a sign that reminds you of the past experience. Musical Theory Accidentals are signs that are placed in front of a note on the staff or stave that alters the pitch of a note (how high or low a note is). Here is the three accidentals that you will need to know. A Sharp (#). It raises a note by a half step. A Flat (b). It lowers a note by a half step. A Natural. It restores a not to its original pitch.

What accidental lowers a note by one semitone?

if you are playing a brass instrument you tighten or loosen your ambocure (lips) to come out with a higher or lower note a sharp

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What does an accidental mean orchestra?

If you are referring to changes in individual sheet music, they are notations that affect a note throughout a measure. a sharp, which looks like a tic-tac-toe board, raises a note a half-step; a flat, which looks like a b, lowers a note a half-step.

What is the chord when it's e flat major but it has a b natural?

E flat augmented raises the Bb to B natural.

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What does a natural do to a note?

It either raises or lowers a note a semitone. It cancels the effect of a sharp or flat.

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