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Actually, the 3 witches do not commit any acts of violence, in Macbeth. The Witches tell Macbeth of 3 prophesies, which make an enormous impact on him.

The Witches represent darkness, chaos, turmoil, temptation and conflict. They manipulate Macbeth, to the point of not being able to recognize evil and good, and they not only venture to seek trouble and havoc for Macbeth but for all mortals. They never tell Macbeth to kill King Duncan but they use a subtle form of manipulation by tempting Macbeth with visions and prophecies that he is destined to be King. By manipulating him in this manner, the Witches are indirectly responsible for leading him to his own doom. The trouble they seek and set out to cause, is not their primary activity but they relish in their quest for trouble, and delight in helping mortals meet their doom.

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Acts I, III, and IV

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Q: Which acts do the witches appear in-macbeth?
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