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Q: Which allows psychologist and pyschiatrists to diagnose mental disorder in patients?
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Does a Psychologist have patients or clients?

Psychologists have clients.

Can a psychologist prescirbe medications for patients?

No, Only a Psychiatrist

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Do psychologist treat Premenstrual Syndrome?

YES, they do. There's alot of studies now on PMS and PMDD or premenstrual dysphoric disorder. PMDD is just a supercharged PMS. If you approach experts, there are approved drugs that can be given for patients.

What is a sentence for the word diagnose?

Doctors diagnose and treat illnesses and conditions. Nurses cannot diagnose, and can only treat patients under the orders of physicians.

What are the responsibilities of a psychologist?

Psychologist not only help patients with mental instability, but also anger management problems, etc.

How do you make a sentence with diagnose as a verb?

The doctor diagnosed the patients illness

Can a psychologist counsel suicidal patients?

Why not? They have a profound background as to why people behave the way they do.

How is eczema diagnosed?

No laboratory test can reliably diagnose AD, although some patients will be reactive to tests designed to diagnose allergy.

What is the prognosis for patients with movement disorders?

The prognosis for a patient with a movement disorder depends on the specific disorder

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What would one do in an assistant psychologist job?

An assistant psychologist can test and evaluate patients under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. They may also be in charge of some clerical work such as typing out reports and scoring exams.