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Q: Which amendment was a major achievement for the temperance movement?
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Two major phases in the amendment process?

There are two major phases that must take place for an amendment to be processed. These phases include ratification and formal proposal.

What is the importance of one major piece of reconstruction legislation?

The Fourteenth Amendment is one of the 6 major pieces of Reconstruction legislation. The importance of this amendment is that it addresses the equal rights of all American citizens. This amendment also stipulates the protection of laws that are implemented within the country.

Which religious movement played a major role in increasing support for the abolitionist movement in the antebellum period?

The Second Great Awakening played a major role in increasing support for the abolitionist movement in the antebellum period.

What is the historical of the 19 amendment?

Nineteenth Amendment (Amendment XIX) to the United States Constitution provides that neither any individual state of the United States or the federal government may deny a citizen the right to vote because of the citizen's sex.

Which amendment had no impact on the Constitution since it repeals one of the others?

That would be the amendment repealing prohibition. The 18th amendment established prohibition, and the 21st repealed it. However, to say that these amendments had no impact on the Constitution is not correct. The 18th amendment became part of the Constitution as truly as any other part, and the 21st did also. This had a major impact on the Constitution, and on the people as well.

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What was the goal of the temperence movement?

To decrease social problemsApex

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Cleopatra's major achievement in life was her getting and keeping the throne of Egypt.Cleopatra's major achievement in life was her getting and keeping the throne of Egypt.Cleopatra's major achievement in life was her getting and keeping the throne of Egypt.Cleopatra's major achievement in life was her getting and keeping the throne of Egypt.Cleopatra's major achievement in life was her getting and keeping the throne of Egypt.Cleopatra's major achievement in life was her getting and keeping the throne of Egypt.Cleopatra's major achievement in life was her getting and keeping the throne of Egypt.Cleopatra's major achievement in life was her getting and keeping the throne of Egypt.Cleopatra's major achievement in life was her getting and keeping the throne of Egypt.

Who was Frances willard?

Frances Willard lived from 1839-1898. She was very active in America's women's suffrage movement, trying to get women the right to vote and expanding their opportunities in society. But she is best known for her work in the temperance movement: she was the founder of the WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union), an organization whose main goal was to ban alcohol. It was her belief that drinking was the cause of most of the social problems in the United States, and her organization actively campaigned to close saloons (as bars used to be called) and to make it illegal to drink alcoholic beverages. She was a major influence in the ultimate passage of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, making alcohol illegal-- the so-called Prohibition amendment.

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How did leaders of the temperance movement try to solve the problems of crime and poverty?

Temperance movements tended to see alcohol use as a major contributor to crime and poverty. So they criticized excessive alcohol use, promoted complete abstinence, and put pressure on the government to enact anti-alcohol legislation or complete prohibition of alcohol.

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What would be your major achievement in the two months?

A major achievement in two months refers to something that would normally be difficult to achieve in this time frame. Anything that is rare to accomplish without focus and discipline could be referred to as a major achievement.

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