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Q: Which animals have 206 bones in their body aside from humans?
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Related questions

How are bones in animals like the bones in humans?

They're made of the same stuff, they grow in the same way, they do the same ting for the body in both humans and animals.

What are internal skeletons?

An endoskeletonan internal skeleton is what humans, and most animals have. the bones are on the inside of the body.

What would happen is humans didn't have bones?

If humans have not bones then he is nothing. Bones keep our body together and upright. He cannot do anything.

How many more bones do gorilla's have then humans?

There are 206 bones in the human body. There are 206 bones in a gorilla's body. They are the same.

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Why do humans have little body hair compared to other animals

How manybones does the adult human have?

Adult humans have 206 bones in our body.

Which part of an animals body can become a fossil?

Bones and feathers.

How many bone found in human body?

The adult human body has 206 bones. Humans are born with 300 to 250 bones. These bones fuse together as an infant grows. More than half of the body's bones are in the hands feet.

How bony bones does adults have?

At birth, babies have 350 bones. By adulthood, many of those bones have fused. As adults, humans have 206 bones in the body.

What do all large land animals have in their body?

brain and heart

Where are hard bones in human body?

You find them throughout the body in adults but more are soft cartilage in babies.