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Q: Which animals have been sent to the moon and back?
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What was the name of the first animal to get sent to the moon?

No animals have ever been sent to the moon.

How many animals have landed on the moon?

None. Only humans have landed on the moon. There have been dogs and monkeys and other animals sent into space, but to my knowledge no animals have ever landed on the moon.

How many dogs have been on the moon?

None. Dogs have been sent into space but not to the moon.

Who was the 1st dog on moon?

No dogs have been sent to or landed on the moon.

Did nasa really send monkeys to the moon?

no not to the moon but monkeys were sent into space to test for human safety in future manned missions but only humans went to the moon no other animals were sent.

Which animal first landed on moon?

No animal has landed on the moon. The first animals in space were fruit flies, followed by monkeys and dogs. The first living creatures to reach the moon were a species of microscopic animals called tardigrades.

Number of man missions been sent to the moon till date?

There have been seven manned missions to the moon

Has there ever been a brazilian astronaut on the moon?

No. Only the US has sent men to the moon.

What was the first animal to walk on the moon?

As far as is known to the public, no animals other than homo sapiens have ever been sent to the moon. Since biologists consider people to be animals like any other, (we are certainly not plants), the first animal to walk on the moon was a human by the name of Neil Armstrong

What animals have gone to the moon?

A human being was the first animal on the moon. No other animal has been sent to land on the moon. One reason is that it takes skill and intelligence to lift off the surface and an animal would be stranded on the moon once it landed. It would die.

Who studies rocks sent back from the moon?

Sientists back on earth at N.A.S.A and world over study it.

What was the first country to bring man back from the moon?

Only one country has ever sent people to the moon, or brought them back from there: the United States of America.