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Q: Which approach to development suggests that there are five levels of the environment that simultaneously influence individuals?
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What branch science studies the development behavior and relationships of humans in environment?

Environmental psychology studies the relationship between human behavior and the environment. It examines how individuals interact with their surroundings and how the environment can influence behavior, development, and relationships.

What branch of science studies the development of behavior and relationship of their human environment?


What is bi directional influence in psychology development?

Bidirectional influence in psychology development refers to the idea that individuals are influenced by their environment and, in turn, also influence their environment. This means that a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can shape and be shaped by the social, cultural, and physical contexts in which they live. This dynamic process helps us understand how individuals both affect and are affected by their surroundings as they grow and develop.

How did the natural environment influence the development of Ancient China?

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How does development affect behavior?

Development can affect behavior by shaping a person's cognitive, emotional, and social skills. As individuals grow and learn, their experiences and interactions with the environment influence how they think, feel, and act. Developmental milestones, such as language acquisition or socialization, can impact how individuals respond to stimuli and engage in various activities.

What Factors influencing attitudes towards development?

Factors that influence attitudes towards development include cultural beliefs, socioeconomic status, education level, experiences with development projects, access to information, and perceptions of the benefits and costs of development initiatives. These factors can shape how individuals and communities view the impact of development on their lives and the environment.

What is Development in relation to Educational psychology?

In educational psychology, development refers to the physical, cognitive, and emotional changes that occur in individuals over time. This includes studying factors that influence learning and development, such as genetics, environment, and social interactions. Understanding development is crucial for educators to support students' growth and learning effectively.

What are the process influence personality development?

The processes that influence personality development include genetics, environment, upbringing, and life experiences. Genetics play a role in determining certain traits, while environment, upbringing, and experiences shape how these traits are expressed. Additionally, social interactions, culture, and societal norms can also influence personality development.

How individuals needs and preferences may influence how learning and development activities are accessed or delivered?

explain how individual needs and preferences may influence how learning and development activities are accessed or delivered

Factors that influence growth and development?

In plants, the factors are heredity, nutrition, and environment. In animals, the factors are heredity, nutrition, environment, and exercise.

How did environmental factors influence the development of TCM?

Environmental factors influenced the development of TCM included technological advancements and an enabling political environment.

Define Social environment?

the identical or similar social positions and social roles as a whole that influence the individuals of a group