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A packed of seeds

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a newspaper article about farming

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an iron tool for digging

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Which artifact is an archaeologist most likely to find at an ancient site where people once farmed?

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Q: Which artifact is an archeologist most likely to find at an ancient site where people once farmed?
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Continue Learning about General History

How did The vikings get food?

To get meat they most likely hunted it with bows and arrows; and later they farmed the sheep or goats or whatever so it would be easier to get. And you probably also know where potatoes and berries come from.

Who are in the 3 pyramids in front of the Pyramid of Giza?

There are most likely, Mummies, Ancient treasures, and the ancient history of The Great Pyramids Of Giza

Did the ancient egyptians eat cake?

unknown - but more likely than not, yes.

Which place in ancient Greece would you most likely find oracles and religious festivals?


What did ancient Americans wear?

Ancient Americans most likely wore little if any clothing. This was because they did not have the complex thinking processes to create more modest clothing.

Related questions

Which artifact is an archaeologists most likely to find at an ancient site where people once farmed?

an iron tool for digging

What archaeologist would most likely explore?

An archeologist explores everything.

Who would be likely to study a stone carving to determine if Sumerians used slaves?

An Archeologist .

What would an archeologist most likely explore?

They would explore objects of people and places of the past.

Is artifact creature a creature type as well as it's other type?

No, creature type is the entry occurring after the hyphen. The 'artifact' in the line 'artifact creature - X' is either an additional card type or a supertype, most likely the former.

What is fixed apical defect most likely attenuation artifact?

A fixed apical defect on a nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan is most likely due to an attenuation artifact caused by breast tissue, diaphragm, or body habitus. This artifact decreases the amount of radiation reaching the camera, resulting in a false defect in the apical region of the heart.

What would an archaeologist most likely explore?

An archaeologist would most likely explore ancient ruins, burial sites, and artifacts to learn about past civilizations and cultures. They may excavate sites, analyze artifacts, and study historical records to piece together the history of a particular region or time period.

What are some values from 1910 to 1919?

The amount of Stability and Respect from back then is remarkable. Some of the values are most likely respect and how they worked together and farmed for what they have. The amount of Stability and Respect from back then is remarkable. Some of the values are most likely respect and how they worked together and farmed for what they have. Thanks!!!

Who would be most likely to study a stone carving to determine if Sumerians used slaves?

An archaeologist or a historian specializing in ancient civilizations would be most likely to study a stone carving to determine if the Sumerians used slaves. These experts would analyze the content of the carving, as well as historical and archaeological evidence, to draw conclusions about the social structure and labor practices of the Sumerian society.

How have mechanized plows most likely affected modern agriculture?

Mechanized plows allow larger areas to be farmed by a single farmer.

If a knee x-ray is made while the patient is wearing denim jeans what is likely to occur on the image?

the jean will leave an artifact on the image

When did the religion begin?

The oldest known Hindu artifact is 28.5 thousand years old, meaning that Hinduism had to have started by at least then, but it is likely that it is much older.