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One prominent figure who believed in a flat Earth was Samuel Rowbotham, who wrote under the pseudonym "Parallax." He proposed the theory of "Zetetic Astronomy" in the 19th century, arguing that Earth is a flat disc with the North Pole at the center and Antarctica forming the ice wall around the edge.

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Q: Which astronomer believed the Earth was flat?
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What did people believe about the shape of the earth?

In ancient times, many people believed that the Earth was flat. This belief persisted until the 6th century BC when Greek scholars, such as Pythagoras and later Aristotle, theorized that the Earth was a sphere based on observations of the stars and shadow patterns during lunar eclipses.

Why did the Europeans think the earth is flat in 1600?

In 1600, many Europeans believed the Earth was flat due to widespread misconceptions and lack of widespread education. Despite ancient Greek knowledge of a round Earth, misinformation and lack of accessible information perpetuated the belief in a flat Earth among some people. It wasn't until scientific advancements and evidence later confirmed the Earth's spherical shape.

Why did early scientists believe that earth was flat and a large disc?

Early scientists believed that the Earth was flat because of limited exploration and observation capabilities. They relied on their everyday experiences and the appearance of the horizon to conclude that the Earth must be flat. Additionally, cultural beliefs and religious teachings also influenced their understanding of the Earth's shape.

Who claimed the earth was flat?

There is a common misconception that historical figures like Christopher Columbus believed the Earth was flat. In reality, most educated people in Columbus's time knew that the Earth was round. The idea that Columbus was trying to prove the Earth's roundness is more of a myth.

Why did people once believe the earth was flat?

People once believed the Earth was flat because it appeared that way to the naked eye. Travel and exploration were limited, so many individuals did not have access to evidence proving otherwise.

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Who was the astronomer that realized the sun does not orbits the earth?

It is believed that Nicolaus Copernicus first proposed the heliocentric theory.

Who are flat earthers?

people who believed the earth is flat, not a sphere like most people believe.

Which former president of the US believed that the earth was flat?

There is no evidence to suggest that any former president of the US believed that the earth was flat. The idea that the earth is flat has been widely discredited for centuries, and it is unlikely that any US president would have held such a belief.

Who was the philosopher who believed that the earth was the center of the universe?

Aristotle believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. This geocentric model was later supported by Ptolemy in his work "Almagest".

Who is theory was that the earth is round not flat?

Since the determination of the fact that Earth is spherical as opposed to flat, all scientists (after a short lag period) have accepted that it is so.

Why did christopher Columbus think that thhe earth is square?

Columbus never believed the earth was square, in fact, the myth was that he believed the earth was flat. However, in truth, Columbus did not believe the earth was flat. Ancient Greek mathematicians, Pythagoras and Aristotle, proved the earth was spherical in shape based on the shadow of the earth on the moon and the curvature of the earth when approaching land. Columbus falsely believed he could reach Asia by going west because he underestimated the circumference of the earth, and also believed Europe was wider than it was.

What did people believe about the shape of the earth?

In ancient times, many people believed that the Earth was flat. This belief persisted until the 6th century BC when Greek scholars, such as Pythagoras and later Aristotle, theorized that the Earth was a sphere based on observations of the stars and shadow patterns during lunar eclipses.

Why did the Europeans think the earth is flat in 1600?

In 1600, many Europeans believed the Earth was flat due to widespread misconceptions and lack of widespread education. Despite ancient Greek knowledge of a round Earth, misinformation and lack of accessible information perpetuated the belief in a flat Earth among some people. It wasn't until scientific advancements and evidence later confirmed the Earth's spherical shape.

Which astronomer thought the earth was in the middle?

The astronomer who thought the Earth was in the middle of the universe was Claudius Ptolemy. He developed the geocentric model of the universe, which placed Earth at the center with all celestial bodies, including the Sun, revolving around it.

According to early scientists what was the shape of the Earth?

Early scientists believed that the Earth was flat, based on observations and theories available at the time. It wasn't until later advancements in science, such as the observations of celestial bodies and exploration of new lands, that the understanding of the Earth's shape evolved to being round.

Why did early scientists believe that earth was flat and a large disc?

Early scientists believed that the Earth was flat because of limited exploration and observation capabilities. They relied on their everyday experiences and the appearance of the horizon to conclude that the Earth must be flat. Additionally, cultural beliefs and religious teachings also influenced their understanding of the Earth's shape.