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Deandre Broaden Sr.

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Q: Which atmospheric variable usually increases before precipitation occurs?
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Which atmosphere variable usually increases before precipitation?


If the barrometer rises does the temperature rise?

Not necessarily. A rise in barometric pressure typically signals fair weather and not a direct correlation with temperature. Temperature changes can be influenced by various factors beyond just barometric pressure.

Why Total variable cost usually inverse S shape?

the total varible cost is inverted S because The varible cost increases t n decreasing rte in the starting stages then increases t n increasing rte due to law of variable proportions

Which would be the independent variable and which would be the dependent variable?

A dependent variable is usually on the side of the equation by itself. The independent variable usually has something being done to it. And, the dependent variable is usually written to the left of the equation.

Is the output variable the independent variable?

No, it usually is not.

What is an inversely proportional graph?

An inversely proportional graph is one where the relationship between two variables is such that as one variable increases, the other variable decreases at a constant rate. This relationship is usually represented by a curve that slopes downwards from left to right.

What are the values of the idependent variable and the dependent variable?

the independent variable is usually assigned to x the dependent variable is usually assigned to y their values will vary because they are variables. that is the definition of variable

Does rain usually occur in high atmospheric pressure or low atmospheric pressure?

rain occurs in low atmospheric pressure.

True or false precipitation usually comes ahead of a warm front?

It is true to say precipitation usually comes ahead of a warm front.

Do clouds always produce precipitation?

No, usually only Nimbus clouds produce noticeable precipitation.

Which of the following is true about a high cloud?

They usually not bring precipitation.

What are tha units of measurement used to describe Precipitation?

Precipitation is usually measured in inches in the US. The other units used to measure precipitation are millimeters and centimeters.