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Penguins have been known to incubate their eggs on their feet. This is because if they were to set the egg on the ice, which makes up their breeding grounds, the egg would freeze solid. For many months they maneuver their feet, and a fat role, around the egg cradling it, and keeping it safe from harm and toasty warm.

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Q: Which bird incubates its egg on its feet?
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What does incubated by mother mean?

This means the eggs of an animal are kept warm by the mother until the young animal or bird is ready to hatch. For example, the mother platypus incubates its eggs by curling around them; the mother echidna incubates its egg by keeping it in a temporary pouch; a mother scrub turkey incubates her eggs by burying them in a mound of earth and twigs and regularly testing the temperature of the mound; the average bird incubates its eggs by sitting on them to keep them warm.

How does a penguins egg survive?

The penguins eggs survive by the mother and father nesting overtop of them. They will both take turns while one of them hunts for food and the other incubates the egg. The egg is between both of the feet while standing up.

When do emperor penguins lay there eggs?

The female Emperor Penguin lays one egg in May or early June.The male incubates the egg for 64 consecutive days until hatching by balancing it on the tops of his feet.

Why does a bird smash eggs after laying them?

Maybe she's so big that she doesn't want to feed them...

Where do empire penguins lay eggs?

Antarctica, the female bird will lay the egg and pass it on to the male bird. He then holds the egg on top of his feet and slouches his belly down on the egg to keep it somewhat warm.

Bird born out of the largest egg in the world?

The largest bird's egg in th world is that of the ostrich. When full grown, these flightless birds can reach over seven feet tall.

What parent incubates a ostrich egg?

They both do... Incubation is carried out by both the female and the male ostrich.

How can you make a bird in text?

(=^) bird in egg =^ bird not in egg(=eyes ^beak)

When do emperor penguins breed?

A single egg is laid once a year during the Antarctic winter. The male incubates the egg while the female goes to sea to feed. The egg rests on the male's feet, keeping it off the ice, and is enveloped by a warming fold of skin.

What father bird carries an egg around on its feet until it hatches?

Emperor Penguin The Emperor Penguin

How do penguins make babys?

The male and female have sex, the female lays an egg and the father incubates it by standing over it.

How does a parent bird usually incubate it eggs?

Bird eggs will only develop at a temperature close to the body temperature of the parent bird. Thus, a parent bird usually incubates the eggs by sitting on them to keep them warm.