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Almost all bodies of water allow people to pass through from one side to the other. You can cross a river, sea, or canal via boat.

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Q: Which body of water allows people to pass through from one side to the other?
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The body of water that allows people to pass through from one side of the Americas to the other is an enclave.

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What allows water to pass through?

water can pass through cell membranes by osmosis- similar to diffusion

What allows water molecules to pass through?

water can pass through cell membranes by osmosis- similar to diffusion

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The compound that allows materials to move through cell membranes by osmosis is water. Water moves freely through cell membranes to maintain osmotic balance within the cell.

How does water heat-holding capacity affect human beings?

It helps the body remove heat through sweating, and it also allows it to use water as an energy source.

Why can you see through water?

Water is transparent because visible light can pass through it without being absorbed or scattered. This is due to the molecular structure of water, which allows light to travel through with minimal interference, enabling us to see objects on the other side of the water.

What are the properties of water what contribute to water moving up and through a plant?

The cohesive and adhesive properties of water allow it to be pulled up through the xylem vessels in a plant. Cohesion helps water molecules stick together, forming a continuous column of water, while adhesion allows water to stick to the walls of the xylem vessels. Additionally, transpiration, the loss of water vapor through the stomata, creates a negative pressure that pulls water up the plant.

How do water beetles move through water?

Water beetles move through the water by thrusting their legs back and forth. This allows them to quickly move and catch prey.

Where can phospholipids move and allow water?

freely and allow water and other hydrophylic molecules to pass through into or out of the cell.

Do blepharisma have cilia?

Yes it does, the cilia allows it to to move through water