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Q: Which bond more stronger covalent bond or ionic bond?
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Are covalent bonds stronger than ionic?

No. Ionic bonds are typically stronger. it is because ionic bond has more intermolecular force of attraction.

Which is strongest carbon carbon single bond carbon carbon double bond or carbon carbon triple bond?

The strongest chemical bond is the ionic bond. Ionic bond strengths are greater than covalent bond strengths.answer 2it is known that covalent bond is stronger.

Which bond is most common covalent or ionic?

Covalent bond is more common than ionic bond.

Does magnesium nitride have a ionic or covalent bond?

In this case, Mg has a value of 1.3 and N has a value of 3.0, so it is an ionic bond. Ionic and covalent bonds are on a continuum. Some "ionic" compounds are in fact partly covalent because the positive cation (e.g. magnesium) polarizes (attracts the electrons of) the anion forming a stronger bond than if it was 100% ionic. A table of ELECTRONEGATIVITY can help one determine whether a bond is ionic or covalent. The bigger the difference in electronegativity the more ionic the bond.

Which type of bond forms when two or more atoms share electrons?

The bond is covalent. If the bond is made by transferring electrons then it is an ionic bond, but if they are sharing the it is covalent.

Is single covalent bond more strong or double covalent bond?

double covalent is stronger

Is a diatomic molecle more likely to be held together by a covalent bond or by an ionic bond And why?

A covalent bond. Ionic bonds form crystals, not molecules.

How can a type of bond determine the volatility of a substance?

A stronger chemical bond (such as a covalent or ionic bond) forms a more stable substance; a weaker bond (such as a dipole or hydrogen bond) forms a more volatile substance.

Is a diatomic molecle more likely to be held together by a covalent bond or by an ionic bond?


How an ionic bond differs from a covalent bond?

An ionic bond is formed when one atom donates one or more electrons to another atom. A covalent bond does not involve a transfer of electrons, it involves sharing electrons.

How is an ionic bond differet from a covalent bond?

Ionic bond involves transferring 1 or more electrons from metal to non-metal while a covalent bond involves sharing of electrons between non-metals.

Which model would be more difficult to create a model of an ionic bond or a model of a covalent bond?

The ionic bond would be harder as it is harder to show the ionic charges.