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The Legislative/Congress

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Q: Which branch governs U.S territories
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Who governs US territories admits new states and regulates immigration?


Who governs federal territories?


What branch of the government makes the laws for all US territories?

This responsability is that of the Legislative Branch of the government.

Who governs the many territories of the US?

US territories - such as the US Virgin Islands and Guam, as opposed to the states of the union and the District of Columbia - are administered by the Department of the Interior. It sounds rather ironic that the Department of the Interior should administer lands which are basically exterior to US boundaries, but that goes back to the administration of territories within the United states before they were admitted as states.

Who governs the DMZ?

US troops governs the DMZ

Which branch can pass legislation that governs the jurisdiction of the courts?


What branch can pass legislation that governs the jurisdiction of courts?


Where does the Judicial Branch meet?

The US Supreme Court convenes in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC. While the Court is head of the Judicial Branch, the branch also includes the US District Courts, US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts, and US Court of International Trade, which are spread out in federal courthouses across the US and its territories.

What law is the branch of modern law that governs relationships between parties?

Civil law.

How do you choose who govern us?

I don't kniw

Who governs the military employed in the service of the US?

The commander.

What is the living document or law of the land that governs the US today?

The US Constitution