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Mainly metals. All metals are fairly good conductors. Some non-metals can conduct electricity, as well.

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Q: Which can conduct electricity metals or non-metals?
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Material that conducts thermal energy well?

All elements will conduct heat to some extent. metals conduct heat and electricity the best; metalliods conduct heat and electricity good too but not as good as metals. nonmetals are poor conductors.

Why do conductors conduct electricity while insulaters don't?

Conductors conduct electricity because most of them are made of metals and metals are good conductors of electricity while insulators are made of rubber and rubber does not conduct electricity. To conduct electricity, the atoms that make up the material, have to have free electrons that can pass a charge on. Metals have these free electrons, whereas insulators do not.

What non metal objects conduct electricity?

Only eighteen elements in the periodic table are generally considered nonmetals, compared to over eighty metals. Although nonmetals are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity when compared to metals, many of them still can conduct electricity. The metalloid elements (such as Silicon and Germanium) can conduct electricity and are used as semiconductors in electronics. Many generally nonmetal compounds (composed of nonmetals) can also conduct electricity, with gallium arsenide, and silicon carbide being popular components in semiconductors as well.

Does argon gas conduct electricity and heat?

gases do not conduct heat or electricity well. metals conduct both well. but argon is a conductor

How well does zinc conduct electricity?

All metals conduct electricity and heat. Zinc is a good electric conductor and it is also fairly cheap compared to other conducting metals.

Related questions

What is the difference between metals and nonmetals in regards to how they conduct electricity?

Metals generally are good conductors of electricity, and nonmetals are not.

Are metals and nonmetals both good conductors?

no because metals conduct heat and electricity well, but nonmetals do not

Which elements of the periodic table are metals and nonmetals?

metals elements conduct electricity better than nonmetals elements but not as well as metalloid elements

The valence electrons found in metals are different from nonmetals because .?

metals can conduct electricity, the valence electrons of nonmetals cannot roam freely

Can semi metal conduct electricity?

Yes, although they won't conduct it as well as regular metals. Semi-metals have characteristics of both metals and nonmetals.

What is the group of elements called that do not conduct electricity?

The group of elements that do not conduct electricity are generally called non metals.

Which is more important metals nonmetals or metalloids?

It depends on what you are using them for. Metals are very ductile, and conduct electricity, nonmetals do a whole lot of things, metalloids can do a mixture

What are nonmetals?

Non-metals are dull, brittle elements that do not conduct electricity.

Are metals and nonmetals and nonmetals are both good conductors?

Metals are good conductors. Some non-metals are good conductors, but many others are not.

What are 2 charactistics of non-metals?

Metals and Nonmetals have specific characteristics. Two characteristics of Nonmetals are typically brittle and do not shape easily, and they do not conduct heat or electricity well.

How would you describe the ability of most metalloids to conduct heat and electricity?

better than metals but not as good as nonmetals

Are nonmetals nonconductors?

Most non-metals are in fact considered to be non-conductors. Some non-metals however do have the ability to conduct heat and electricity.