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Medusa - she had snakes for hair, and she had the power to turn people to stine with a single gaze.

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Q: Which character from a myth had snakes on her head?
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Which myth had snakes on her head?


Did the sisyphus have snakes for hair?

Not in Greek myth.

What would medusa like?

Medusa is a character from myth and wouldn’t have likes or dislikes.

Why does she have snakes on her head?

somebody cheesed her to have snakes on her head and tern them in to stone

Was Medusa's hair strictly snakes or a combination of snakes and hair?

The Greek myth of medusa stated that her hair was only made of snakes and not hair.

Do snakes have heads?

Yes snakes do have a head.

Did St. Michael drive away the snakes in Ireland?

The myth is that St. Patrick drove away the snakes in Ireland.

What is the myth that Athena is the main character?

it is that she is the character of zuces daughter

Do copper head snakes fight other snakes?


Are there any legends about Saint Patrick?

Saint Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland is just a myth since that country has never had snakes.

What is a myth about snakes?

The myth that they had talked but if you're looking for more details i think you could use the myth of the white snake :) if that doesn't help i think you shloud do some research :)

What is the snackes?

a snakes head