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The balloon will gain a negative charge and the woolen sleeve will gain a positive charge.

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6d ago

When a balloon is rubbed with a wooden sleeve, it gains a negative charge. This happens because electrons are transferred from the atoms in the wooden sleeve to the atoms in the balloon, leaving the balloon with an excess of electrons and thus a negative charge.

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Q: Which charge does a balloon have when rubbed with a wooden sleeve?
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A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall which demonstrated charge?

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Yes, the balloon can stick to a wooden wall if it is charged. This is because objects with opposite charges attract each other, causing the balloon to stick to the wall due to the electrostatic force.

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Some kids like to play baseball. Now you can play it in your home. Just get a balloon and blow it up about the same size as a baseball. Have one person throw the balloon. The other person can hit the balloon with a wooden spatula or wooden spoon. LEt the batter try to run to the couch or a chair without being tagged........ The kids can make up your own rules. OR you could entertain a kid by getting them to hit a balloon as many times as they can without it touching the ground using a wooden spoon.

Would a negatively charged balloon stick to a metal wall as easily as to a wooden wall?

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Pls i need an anseawr for my homewok

How does friction affect wooden structures?

Same way it affects all structures - heat and sound is produced, and some material is lost due to ablation (being rubbed away).

Can I get an answer to question about ice to forehead after hitting a wooden counter edge with no charge at all?

It depends who you ask.