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Antarctica is the continent with no permanent residents except for researchers. The harsh climate and remote location make it inhospitable for permanent human settlement.

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Q: Which continent is the only continent with no people except researchers?
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What continent is the only continent with no people except researchers?

There are no such continent. People have been encrowding Antartica for tourism and the viewing of wildlife.

What continent does no one lives on?

Antarctica has no permanent population.

What continent has the fewest people living in it?

Antarctica has the fewest people living in it, with a population of only a few thousand temporary residents mainly consisting of researchers and scientists.

Which continent is uninhabitable?

Antarctica is the continent that is considered mostly uninhabitable due to its extreme cold temperatures, lack of vegetation, and harsh environment. The only people who live there are researchers in scientific research stations.

What continent do only scientist and visitors live on?

Antarctica is the continent where only scientists and visitors live. It is primarily inhabited by researchers and support staff conducting scientific research.

What continent only has scientists living on it?

Antarctica is the continent where only scientists live. It is primarily inhabited by researchers and support staff working at scientific research stations.

What is the least most popular continent?

Antarctica is the least populated continent, with only a few thousand researchers and support staff living there temporarily.

What continent has the least population?

AntarcticaAntarctica, obviously, since there are only about 5000 people there, at most, on a seasonal basis. Australia has the smallest size and population of the other six.

What continent has the least amount of people?

Antarctica has a permanent population of 0. Australia has a population of about 21.5 million.

What is the population of antatica?

there is no population in Antarctica. there are some researchers who research some stuff. but otherwise it is the only Continent that has no permanent residence

Where is the only continent where you can't find spiders?

Spiders are native to all continents except Antarctica.

Are there cabins in Antarctica?

No, except for research huts that are only occupied during the summer season when they are accessible. Only researchers and their support teams are allowed to use these huts.