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France and Afghanistan are 2 of them but i don't know the rest

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Q: Which countries are allies with Madagascar?
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Is Madagascar allies with France?

yes Madagascar has an alliance with the nation of France

What are Madagascar bording countries?

Madagascar is an island it has no bordering countries, but the closest country to it is across the Mozambique channel to the west of Madagascar is the county of Mozambique

Is Madagascar Egypt?

No. Madagascar and Egypt are completely seperate countries.

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What countries do lemurs live in?

Lemurs live on the island of Madagascar, which is considered part of Africa.

Who are France's allies and enemies?

some of the allies of France are: Canada, USA, United Kingdom,Germany, Australia, Madagascar and Spain.

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What is political allies?

Political allies are countries that help other countries in war or something.

What countries of Europe are allies?

All countries contained within the E.U are allies. All N.A.T.O members in europe are also allies.

What countries surround Madagascar?

Comoros and Mozambique

How are America and Madagascar are the same?

Both are countries