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The flushing toilet was invented by John Harrington in 1596. he was English so the toilet bowl was invented in England.

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Q: Which country invented the toilet bowl?
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Who invented the toilet bowl brush?

The modern plastic version of toilet bowl brush was invented in 1932 by William C. Schopp of Huntington Park, California US. Later it was patented in 1933 by th Addis Brush Company. Mostly this toilet bowl brush is accompanied with toilet cleaner or bleach. Now there are also electronic toilet bowl cleaners available in the market.

What country was the toilet invented?

I think it was either England or America

Toilet paper was invented in the 14th century in which country?

It was china

Did a black man invent the toilet bowl?

Thomas Twyford invented a single piece, ceramic flush toilet, as well was the famous Thomas Crapper toilet. Twyford was Caucasian.

How do you remove urine stains from a toilet bowl?

toilet cleaner, or Windex if it is the outside of the toilet bowl.

What is the standard distance from the center of a toilet bowl to another bowl in a public toilet installed with a multiple toilet bowl?

30 inches.

Urine stains in toilet bowl?

If there are urine stains in your toilet bowl, pour a generous amount of bleach into the toilet bowl and under the rim, then leave overnight. The next morning, flush the toilet and pour more bleach into the bowl and scrub with a toilet brush.

Can a strawberry shake or can a toilet bowl?

a strawberry can, u cant shake a toilet bowl.

Is the substance in a toilet bowl cleaner corrosive?

Yes, toilet bowl cleaner is very corrosive

How big is the toilet bowl water slide?

2" or 3" integral trap built into toilet bowl.

Who invented the first toilet?

John Crapper invented the first toilet.

How do you descale toilet bowl?

Descale toilet with muriatic acid