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Q: Which cricket legend was thanked by sir Tim rice an Oscar acceptance speech?
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Related questions

When was Acceptance Speech created?

Acceptance Speech was created in 2007-11.

Can you make a sentence using brotherhood?

In his speech he thanked the brotherhood for their support.

What should you say if someone says your welcome?

Your welcome is used after you are thanked by someone and there is no after speech after it.

How long is an acceptance speech?

It depends on the type of acceptance. But normally 3-8 minutes.

What is acceptance speech?

brings the party together

What is a sentence using the word profusely?

She profusely thanked her friend for the thoughtful gift.

Can provide wonderful examples of great acceptance speeches?

Oprah Winfrey's acceptance speech at the 2018 Golden Globes, where she spoke about the importance of representation and the #MeToo movement, was powerful and moving. Lupita Nyong'o's speech at the 2014 Oscars, where she thanked her family, the cast and crew of "12 Years a Slave," and shared her gratitude for the opportunities she had been given in Hollywood. Viola Davis' emotional speech at the 2015 Emmys, where she addressed the lack of diversity in the entertainment industry and spoke about the importance of giving marginalized voices a platform.

When did John McCain give his acceptance speech?

Yes he did

How long is an acceptance speech allowed to be for the Oscars?

five minutes

What song played during the MTV movie awards during Taavon's acceptance speech on behalf of Zach galifianakis acceptance speech?

on the next one by jay-z and sway beatz

Which film was inspired by Tom Hanks Oscar acceptance speech for Philadelphia?

In and Out (1997). When Tom Hanks gave his acceptance speech for Philadelphia he accidently "outed" his high school drama teacher.

How would acceptance be used in a sentence?

Dad was thrilled to hear about my acceptance to St. Louis University. She won the mayoral election yesterday and gave her acceptance speech this morning.