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Q: Which crop saved Jamestown by making money of investors?
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The Jamestown settlers made a profit for their investors by raising what?

When John Rolfe brought tobacco to Jamestown it saved the colony.

What was the money making crop in Jamestown?

No, it was a sweet tobacco introduced by John Rolfe in 1622.

What saved Jamestown by allowing the colonists to make huge sums of money?

Tobbacco saved jamestown causing it to make large sums of money.

How was tobacco important to Virginia?

It saved Jamestown and was used as money.

What crop saved Jamestown?

Tobacco. This became the #1 money crop for Virginia.

How did the Colonists view Jamestown?

Jamestown wasn't suppose to be a permanent colony. It was a group of 104 men sent by investors to seek gold. Saved by John Rolfe with tobacco seeds it became the source for colonists to grow and sell tobacco.

Who was credited with saving the settlement at Jamestown?

Pocahontas saved Jamestown because she saved the life of John Smith.

The man who saved Jamestown from failure in its early days was?

Captain John Smith saved Jamestown in the 1700's

What events saved Jamestown from destruction?

The reformation of tabacco and the new cultures that formed!!

What the purpose of Jamestown?

The men of Jamestown were sent by investors to make them a profit and not claim land or settle. It was by accident that it was a success. The 104 men who arrived died of diseases and starvation. Within 6 months only 34 men were alive. If it hadn't been for the introduction of tobacco by Rolfe the colony may have not succeeded at all. Tobacco saved Jamestown.

Whose leadership saved Jamestown?


Which cash crop saved jamestown?
