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Q: Which cytoskeleton fibers are found in cilia and flagella?
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What cytoskeleton fibers are found in cilia and flagella?


Which cytoskeleton fibers are found cilia and flagella?


What cell structures composed of microtuble fibers?

Microtubules are found in - cytoskeleton cilia flagella mitotic spindles

Which cytoskeleton are found in cilia and flagella?


What are moicrotubules and where in the cell are they found?

They are small tube like structures.They are in cytoskeleton,flagella,cilia etc

Which cells are microtubules found in?

Microtubules are found in most eukaryotic cells, where they play a key role in cell structure, intracellular transport, and cell division. They are particularly abundant in cells that are actively dividing or have specialized functions like nerve cells with long axons.

What are cilia and flagella made up of?

They are composed of microtubules in a "9 + 2" array, similar to centrioles but with two additional microtubules in the center.

Where are cilia and flagella found?

Cilia are found on the surface of many animal cells, where they help with movement and sensory functions. Flagella are typically found on certain types of cells, such as sperm cells, and they help with cell movement.

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Why are many mitochodria found in a cell that moves by means of cilia or flagella?

Moving quickly with flagella or cilia takes a lot of energy, and mitochondria provide this energy.

Name three ways in which cilia and flagella differ?

Cilia and flagella are the means of locomotion in unicellular organisms. They differ in the numbers found in cell, their sizes and their shapes.