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The US has the highest water consumption with 2,500 cubic meters

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Q: Which developed country uses the most water?
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Which country uses the most water?

China is the country that uses the most water in the world, due to its large population and extensive agricultural, industrial, and domestic water needs.

What country uses the most water?

China uses the most Hydroelectric power in the world

What country uses the most water power?

China uses the most Hydroelectric power in the world

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New York. Can you guess which other city uses the most water in the western half of the United States? Las Vegas and Los Angelos.

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I'm not quite sure But I'm a gold member of a online dating site. ' ' A lot of people there from developed country.

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Is Libya a developed country?

Libya is a developed country and not a developing country. It is considered as the most developed country in Africa because of the oil that is produced. So many countries in the world depend on Libyan oil for example America gets about 90,000 barrels of oil per day and uses about 20 million dollars per year. Libya is also an OPEC member (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries). This organization has been widely criticized because most oil-rich countries the determine the prices and oil production. Libya is also ranked number 5 most developed country in Africa on 2007 and number 81 globally because of its oil sector.

What country in the world uses the least water?

According to the World Bank, the country that uses the least amount of water per capita is Eritrea in Africa. The country faces water scarcity due to its arid climate and limited water infrastructure, resulting in low water usage compared to other countries.

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