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Q: Which diagnostic technique is most commonly used to visualize a bone fracture?
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What is a diagnostic feature of Chert?

Diagnostic features would include a Mohs hardness of around 7, conchoidal fracture, and extremely fine grained texture.

What is the difference between fracture and X-ray?

The XRAY is the EMR used to detect a fracture in your bone and a fracture refers to a broken bone in your body.

What is the color form hardness chemical composition diagnostic property streak luster fracture uses of minerals?

in the hood!

What diagnostic method is used to reveal the anatomic reduction of a fracture?

please find this answer for me, thanks please find this answer for me, thanks

What is the boxer fracture?

A "boxers" fracture generally refers to a fracture of the metacarpal bones-more commonly the fith metacarpal anywhere between mid shaft and the distal(knuckle) end of the the bone.

Freeze fracture etch techniques purpose method?

A technique used to look at membranes that reveal the pattern of integral.

Which technique would be helpful if you wanted to study details of channels through the plasma membrane of a cell?

Freeze fracture

Is Micro Fracture and Ankle Weights Technique bad?

Yes Because adding more weight will be harder for your ankles and the others. You should never use a weight technique its very bad.

Which mineral is easily identified by its concoidal fracture?

Obsidian. It commonly is dark because of the Fe contamination.

Why is obsidian so smooth?

Obsidian is a natural glass, often formed in volcanoes. It has a smooth glassy texture, and will commonly fracture with a curved fracture plane called conchoidal fracture, after the resemblance to the shape of a shell. Usually black because of the trace iron content.

Which bone is commonly broken in kids?

Forearm Fracture are the most common fracture in children. This is because you use your arms to do most sports and activities. when you fall you use your arms to catch yourself when you fall.

What bone is fractured when you have a fractured hip?

A hip fracture generally refers to the fracture of the head or neck of the femur (thigh) bone. There are several different areas that can suffer a fracture and still be called a hip fracture. For example, a fracture to the greater or lesser trochanters of the femur are also commonly called hip fractures by the general public.