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A Neuro Surgeon for sure

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Q: Which doctor gets paid the most money?
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What kind of doctor gets paid more money?

The employed kind.

What kind of doctor gets paid the most?

Neural surgeons, I believe.

how much money does a baby doctor gets paid?

Lots I mean A Baby Doctor how did he get his training being in the womb and all.

Who gets paid the most money in sports?

alex rodriguez

Who gets paid the most money in a basketball game?

The players.

What job in Puerto Rico gets paid good money?

Doctor and lawyers get paid more then trash men and burger flippers.

What doctor gets paid the most?

I don't know for sure, but I believe that brain surgeons get paid the most.

What type of nurse earns the most money?

the nurse that gets paid the most is the LPN

Who gets paid more a doctor or a lawyer?

A Doctor gets paid more because they constantly have patients. While a Lawyer only gets a case if the victim chooses that lawyer and is not constantly working/getting paid.

What celebrity gets paid the most money?

Jay Z and his wife Beyonce

How much does a doctor gets paid?

Family Physician/Doctor $135,536

How much money does a doctor get paid each year?

a doctor will get paid 300,000 a year