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Magna Carta

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Q: Which document granted citizens the least mount of freedom?
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What form of government has the most freedom?

A Republic and I wish we still had one in America.

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coparre to other countries , there are a lot of benefit including freedom so you feel at least you are a hymen been

What government has the least freedom?

Citizens of totalitarian dictatorships with extreme religious ideologies have very little freedom. An example is Iran. Also, extreme communist regimes, for example, in its time, the USSR gave its citizens very little freedom.

Who granted the least pardons?

Alex Kerindian

What does the poem freedom isn't free mean?

stuff Answer: Freedom isn't free means that freedom isn't just free. People have to work and sacrifice for it. Think of the soldiers around the world. They are fighting and laying down their lives just to keep us free. Please don't take your freedom for granted but at least think of the soldiers laying down their lives to keep us free.

What did the major monotheistic religions contribute to modern political thinking?

Idiocracy, intolerance, and how to preach freedom of religion while pushing Christianity on all citizens, as far as America goes, at least.

Which us president granted the least amount of pardons?

William H. Harrison granted none as well as James Garfield.

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Immigrants who have been citizens for at least five years are known as aliens?

No, they are citizens pure and simple.